Category | Topics |
Questions & ProblemsPlace your questions about how to use Pro Motion or how to reach a certain aim.
Tips & TricksShare your tips and tricks about working with Pro Motion NG with others.
Suggestions, Wishes, IdeasPro Motion can only get better and we do our best to update the software regularly with new functions and tweaks. If you have useful suggestions, wishes or ideas to improve the software then please drop them here.
I think it's a bug...If you encounter any strange behavior that might be unwanted, explicit errors or even crashes then please report them here.
General talkUse this category to talk about general topics that are related to pixel art in common. Share and discuss your work, philosophies or other aspects of computer art.
Using on MacPost feedback about using the software on Mac using Wine, CrossOver etc.
Beta Version FeedbackIf you are test driving a beta version then please post issues and questions here.