Change anti alias colors?


Is there a way to control what colors are used for anti aliasing? Im working at an image using a Commodore 64 palette. 16 colors.
For example if on a black background I paint with cyan. The anti aliasing is using grey colors. Is there a way for me to get it to use the two blue colors in the palette instead?

Something like the below picture



Hi @perihelion74,

the anti aliasing tries to interpolate the color you use for drawing with the color you draw on.
This seems to be black and that’s why the gray colors are nearest.
With the very limited colors the C64 has, I guess you will never really be satisfied when using the automated anti aliasing.I suggest to do that manually, maybe using gradients (in this case using the three colors) and then use “Shade” paint mode. Or, activate multiple multiple gradients for Multi Shade and use Multi Shade Paint Mode.


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Ah, thanks for the reply! I just wanted to know so I didn’t do it manually when I dont have to. But now I know, thanks!