Cut and brush grab does not sync on pattern drawing (resolved for v8.b9)


  1. Draw on canvas
  2. Processing > Enable pattern drawing
  3. Use brush tool
  4. Cut and grab some drawn parts of the canvas. We’ll find that the cut-out part of the canvas stands alone, the other tiles does not reflect that we’ve cut a part of it.
  5. Undo what you just did. We’ll find that the cut-out part of the canvas remains undrawn.
  6. Keep undoing until before you enabled pattern drawing.
  7. Now, redo it. The pattern in the canvas should be in it’s original state, before we cut a part of it.
  8. Redo it again. We’ll find that is still in it’s OG state. Like we’ve never cut it.

In the demo, we’ll start from step 3:

Setup in the demo:

  • new project
  • 32x32px canvas


PMNG v8.b8

Fixed with V8 beta 9

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