Extend on resize?

So there’s something I’ve encountered a fair bit lately. I’ve been working on a tile animation, but sometimes I’d like to be able to resize to preview how it looks with the tiling extended further. But since there are multiple frames, once I resize, I have to manually fill in the new, empty tiles in each frame (and layer, since I have 2 - 3).
Is there a way to quickly extend a pattern of tiles to cover the new area in all frames after resizing?

As an example:

From your description, i don’t think there’s a way to do that right now. (And if there really is none, could be a feature request, tbh)

A workaround i could think of would be something like:

  1. Select and copy/brush-grab the graphics we want to extend (in your case, tiles)
  2. Put it into a new layer
  3. Do an edit (in your case, extend the tiles)
  4. Turn that new layer into an image layer type
  • This only solves the problem where we have to redraw the graphic every frame.
  • The downside is that this will show for all frames, not a specific set of frames.
    • resolution: copy paste the newly edited graphic into a new animation layer and show it to the specific set of frames needed.

Alternative workaround if we only want to see how the (tile) pattern looks when tiled in a grid, try playing with Pattern Drawing:
Menu Bar > Processing > Enable Pattern Drawing


Hi @Midnight ,

are you using the pattern drawing as @cageburner referred to or are you using tile mapping features and a frame consists of multiple tiles and not a single obe only?


I’m using tile mapping features. A frame consists of multiple tiles. What is an obe?

Hi @Midnight,

“obe” wanted to be “one” :D, a typo.

Please see menu Tile Mapping/Manage Connected Projects…
I suggest to create a second tile mapping project that has a larger canvas and is connected to your animation project.
There you can place all the tiles side by side repeatedly to your satisfaction.
Hope this helps.
