File I/O Interface New Bug

  • PM NG v7.2.3.1
  • Win 10 x64

@jan.cosmigo, while working on a custom File I/O plugin I’ve noticed a strange thing happening.

When Pro Motion launches and registers my plug-in (export only, no animations), it first calls the DLL function initialize() and then, immediately after, calls setFilename() passing a pointer to this file path:

"C:\Users\MY_USER_ID\Documents\Pro Motion NG\patterns\!Readme.txt"

I’ve never experienced this before the last update, so I’m wondering if it’s a bug.

Although the above call should be harmless with most plug-ins, since usually no actual file operations are carried out in setFilename() beside acknowledging that the current file has changed, this call is nevertheless confusing.

Hi @tajmone,

thanks for the report. This is wrong behavior because if a plugin says that it’s only there for saving something it should not be called with files to be loaded (e.g. on start up).
Will fix this.


Fixed with upcoming 7.2.6

Thanks! Looking forward to it.