FX Stroke Outline "preview" is not working correctly

This is the first time that this happen.
When i try to use the Effect Stroke Outline to give my drawing a white outline the preview of it is “updating” everytime i change a layer and it does not cover all of it.

You can see it in action in the next video.

If i need to send more information and files (like the .pmp or some log file) please tell me.

I’ve never seen this before. But did restarting PMNG it make the issue go away?

@cageburner sadly no. Still happen after a reset or a window reset :sob:

Have you possibly “Multi Threading” enabled in the preferences?

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:sob: :sob: :sob: yes i had. I deactivated it and is working now!

I need to fix the multi threading capabilities of those effect renderers.

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