Why does this color cycling export create so many frames? I have a 12 color gradient cycle and my FPS for the main timeline is 12. Whats the calculation for number of frames?
I really just want 12 fames of color cycling to loop and match my main timeline

Cheers and thanks for the new version. Masking is so good!
Some more info on this one for anyone interested:
- The bug seems to be related to the relationship between the gradients and your color palette. If you move colors around in the palette it sometime breaks your gradients. If you are getting high frame numbers when creating frames from color cycling try removing the gradient and adding it back. Worked for me
- If you have a 16 frame animation use the same numbers of steps in your color gradient to match your timeline + perfect looping
Good luck
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Hi @0xNoodles,
please see Equation for # of frames in an animation from color cycling? - #3 by jan.cosmigo
Is it the same thing for you, probably. Please send a project to me by email if it still does not work for you.