Layer feature improvement

some minor improvement that i think may be useful. :slightly_smiling_face:

  1. isolate/solo layer:
    currently pmng can hide other layer, but if we accidentaly toggle some other layer, we cant revert each layer visibility condition back to previous state.
    asep can do solo layer without toggling its layer visibility status but still shown only current layer,
  2. when folder not in shown state, skip its content from ‘move to prev/next layer’.
  3. ignore locked layer from being selected with ‘auto select layer’ but make it work even if we currently in locked layer or folder (we cant select other layer from that place).
  4. option to ‘blink layer content’ when selected: help to indicate where and what its layer.
    5. cant turn static layer to animate layer?
  1. Not sure if i understand this. Maybe you’re looking for this?
  2. From the desc, I don’t understand what you need here.
  3. I don’t get this either.
  4. Might be what you need?
  5. Is this what you’re looking for?

To: Jan.

  • Not exactly a show stopping bug, but a quirky behavior -
  • PMNG assumes that the layer type is still the same after we’ve converted it if we click on the same layer again right after the conversion.
  • The workaround is to click using the LMB before right clicking on that same layer again for the context menu to reflect that we are converting a layer that’s been converted.
  • demo
    layer conversion lag

ok , let go from start:

  1. in pmng soloing-layer (i use shortcut) mean toggle all other layer visibility state except current one, so when we do soloing-layer and then accidentally toggle some other layer, all previous ‘eye-icon’ state (show/hidden) is lost,
    so we need to manually revert each layer state back
    ~aseprite on contrary, never toggle any ‘eye-icon’ state when soloing,
    (i assume, it use another state to indicate solo/un-solo state)
    so it cant mess with any ‘eye-icon’ state.

  2. i mostly use key-shortcut when move to next/prev layer, so when we use that shortcut, and the prev/next layer is within hidden folder,
    we dont know/see (in layer window) where we currently in. its minor though.

  3. yes, layer pick (i use ctrl) can select other layer including locked-layer, but when
    we currently in locked-layer or folder-layer, we cant use layer pick to choose other layer at all. (it disabled??)

  4. blink current layer: just optional feature that i like from aseprite, basically blinking layer content when selected, so we know what it contain when selected.

  5. oh, good to know, and the new version work fine (11.1) :+1: