I’m pretty sure it’s either a bug or there’s some hidden switch I haven’t discovered, because in 6.5 it wasn’t a thing.
I often work with big numbers of images sharing animations. I generally tend to save them on a big canvas and then use the crop tool to cut one > save file > ctrl+Z > rinse and repeat. 6.5 worked like a charm, but NG goes back to default 1ms frameTime value. I literally need to re-type all the values for each of the images. It’s unusable if I have a lot of frames and images and I need to go to some other software if the values vary for each frame. Pretty sure it would be an easy fix and I thing NG will go up in value a lot with this kind of automation. This is the last (two, second below) thing that annoyed me, NG is a pretty amazing work horse now, since the last fix.
Another thing: can I set it somewhere so AnimPaiting is ON by default?
Ah, and I just remembered: it does the same thing with the default snap-grid, going back to 16x16 with every new project. 6.5 used to remember the last used snap (I frequently toggle between 32x32 and 32x48 and re-typing those is also annoying, but not nearly as the timeValues)
I think it must be a bug because it’s doing exactly the same here (latest version). I’m not aware of any switch for this.
This is a bug, thanks for reporting. Will fix with next update.
Will also check why snap grid always uses 16x16. This should only be reset with a new project if the project preset that is used, defines the snap grid size. This is not the case for the “default” project preset…
AnimPainting. What do you mean with “ON by default”?
The snap grid uses the setting defined in the project preset that you use
snap grid
The “problem” is that in contrast to 6.5 it is a project specific setting instead of a global one. New project either uses default (16x16) or the definitions in the project preset. You could create project presets matching your needs.
What I could do additionally is to provide some history button besides the grid snap size input fields, where maybe 5-10 of the latest values can be selected from a list. Would that make sense?
Crop delay reset
Fixed with upcoming 8.0.11
Jan, you are a hero Marvel would never be able to replicate. 

This one: whenever I start a project, this box is unchecked and since I move in-and-out of main project with different animations and I move smoothly with animBrushes between them, I keep stumbling on the box getting unchecked. I work with a lot of animation sheets that use a weird solution of being both sprite-sheets and animated on top of it - I know, but this is how one of my customers is doing it - and whenever I move out of the main project to work on a separate animation, I’m stumbling on the AnimPainting being unchecked like on a too-high doorstep.
To not get too convoluted, my workflow is similar to what you do with SASS - main.css is compartmentalized into smaller files for the ease-of-managment and currently that AnimPainting:defaultOFF is like having to set up each .scss file before writing CSS.
You could create project presets matching your needs.
That’s a half-solution, because while I tend to work with some stuff that’s standarized, sometimes I don’t and I could use the system remember the last one used like in 6.5
However, I like your idea, but what if we could create our own variables and/or scripts?
You know what, let’s leave that be and I’ll think about it and if I come up with something logical, I’ll just post the idea in request-a-feature thread.