Pick a tile from canvas


This should be something very simple, If I am at a tile project, I want to select a particular tile that is from the canvas instead of the “Tile Library” , I selected “Pick/Place Tiles in Map” , but I don’t know what else is required to do that.



please use the brush pickup tool from the tool box:

The tile graphics are then your brush and you can place it where you want.
Please also see: https://www.cosmigo.com/promotion/docs/onlinehelp/tileMappingPrimer.htm



I can do that, but I have to select the rectangle of the tile, is there a way to select the tile automatically with one click?



this is added soon. I know it’s a bit winding to select a single tile instead of just clicking on it.
Also: at the moment the right mouse button does not cut. This will be changed, too. I hope to have then within one or two weeks.


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Both (cut tiles with RMB; pick single tile withe a click) is added now and will be available within some days.

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