I have color cycle and want one of the colors in the cycle to be transparent. They all have to be in sequence so I could line them up after the 1 index entry with alpha, but its a very painful to rearrange the palette this way.
Is there any way to set a color in the palette’s alpha?

To further illustrate what I’m after - Imagine I would like the purple background to show through where I have the deep red color. How could you do that?
I have figured out one way to do this but its a hack - make a ani brush with the 4th frame empty. Works but doesn’t look as good. Would love to achieve this only using color cycle.
Possible solutions could be:
- Let the user make any color in the palette transparent
- Color cycles can use any colors in the palette and do not need to be adjacent
So, the transparent color index should move through the palette with every step at the position, where currently the red slot is?
Yes, you can get this to work using the one transparent color in the palette, the problem is what if i want to have more than 1 color cycle? Its also hard to organize your palette around 1 transparent color. Hence proposed the following solutions:
- Let the user make any color in the palette transparent
- Color cycles can use any colors in the palette and do not need to be adjacent
I think this would make the flexibility and user experience of the app much better.