[Solved] When using a Tablet to draw the cursor is laged or have a "range" where it not work

i recorded a video where this error is presented…
this are the configuration of my tablet and pro motion to use my graphic tablet.

the video of the error:

There appears be a settings change between your screenshots and when you were taking a demo.

In your Preferences screenshot, WinAPI is selected.
But in your demo, PMNG is reading pen pressure. This only happens when your Preferences Tablet/Pen setting has WinTab selected.

Unfortunately, i am not experiencing the lag bug you’re having right now.
Can you cross check with other painting apps if you’re having a similar experience?

  • One possibility is that this is a tablet software setting issue.
  • It’s also possible it’s a pen hardware issue.
    • Like when the pen is dropped from a height by your cat or something. (hopefully, it’s not)

Not sure if it’ll be able to help, but this is my pen/tablet software setting:

I know we have different pen/tablet brand/models, but this should be easily translatable.

i have bad news i think its my pen :sob:
i already order a new one to try and test again.

many thanks!

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