Can we please have an option to “lock in” the brush transparency when it is grabbed, thereby freeing us to change the BG colour and make the Brush FG<>BG mechanic usable again?
Brush transparency used to be consistent and simple to understand in 4.7 which behaved like DPaint.
Since 6.5, grabbing a brush with a transparent color, then changing the BG color changes the transparent color in really weird and inconsistent ways. None of the grab brush options seem to make much of a difference. Grabbing a brush and setting the background color to a color used in the brush, adds that new BG color to the transparency, do this a few times on a graphic intended for 8 or 16-bit hardware and you can completely wipe the graphic.
This completely messes up FB<>BG functionality. A feature I’ve used since Amiga DPaint to remap a single color on part of an image or a sprite. Sometimes as a way of quickly and intuitively changing all the colors of a set of sprites without having to set up another image or project and mess around with stencils.
Weirdly, Grabbing a brush with secondary color used as transparency produces a weird result when FG<>BG is used, yet if you reset the brush using Shit B, then do FG<>BG again it works as expected. Unfortunately this only works once if you wanted to repeatedly uses FB<>BG to change more than one color as it resets the brush to the one grabbed.
All this makes me think that this is indeed a bug as I can’t understand why such behavior would be by design.